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Y5/6 Mini Basketball Achieve

This is an ACHIEVE Competition, meaning this is an opportunity for students to compete at a high level. Winning schools will go through to county finals, with potential to be selected for county squad.  Students should be prepared before with training and an understanding of the rules.

The competition will feature group stages followed by knock out finals. 

 Modifications to Official FIBA Mini-Basketball Rules:

  •  Each game will be four periods of 6 minutes with a running clock.
  • 4 v 4 will be played
  • A team must be 8 players (4 boys & 4 girls) and no less.
  • 4 boys play in the 1st & 3rd period, and 4 girls play in the 2nd & 4th period.
  • A squad size of at least 10 players is recommended.
  • Teams who do not field 8 eligible players on the day will still be able to participate.
  • The team of 8 can be changed between games to allow extra squad players to play in the tournament.
  • Squad players can be used to replace an injured player or player fouled out. 
  • ALL PLAYERS PLAY 2 PERIODS: All players in a team must play 2 periods of a game.
  • MAN TO MAN DEFENCE: Teams must play man to man defence with no screens permitted. Coaches and referees should assist each other in applying this rule.
  • PRESS OFF WHEN 15 POINTS DIFFERENCE:  Teams winning by 15 points or more must not play a full court press. Referees should assist the coach in applying this modification.
  • After a 20-point difference the visual scoreboard is closed down.
  • INJURY: In the case of a substitution through injury the substitute will be a squad player or a player who has scored the least points in the game.
  • FOULS ARE NOT RECORDED: No fouls are recorded but if a player is continually fouling the coach & referee have the discretion to remove them to be replaced by a substitute as above.
  • NO FREE THROWS: 1 point is awarded to a player in a situation where 2 free throws are normally given, unless it goes in then the basket will score 2 points. Possession is also given to the fouled team from the side-line

 Basketball Rules not applied:

  • No timeouts
  • No penalty for a team who does not cause the ball to go into its frontcourt within eight (8) seconds.
  • No rear court violation.
  • No penalty if a team does not attempt a shot for a field goal within twenty-four (24) seconds.
  • There are no free throws.
  • No 3-point shots are awarded.
  • Basketball Rules that are applied:
  • A player in bounding the ball has five seconds to throw the ball to another player on the court.
  • The 3 second rule can apply at the discretion of the referee.
  • A closely guarded player has 5 seconds to pass, dribble or shoot.

 Basketball Rules that can be applied if required:

  • Unsportsmanlike, Disqualifying & Technical Fouls all appear in the Mini-Basketball rules, but their application should usually be unnecessary.
  • Coaches should prevent unsportsmanlike, disqualifying & technical fouls by supporting the officials in their decisions and controlling the behaviour of the players.
  • Coaches are allowed to substitute a player immediately if he or she demonstrates any inappropriate behaviour.
  • Any deliberate or repeated non-cooperation or non-compliance with the spirit and intent of the game can be considered as a technical foul with 2 points awarded and possession.
  • The officials can prevent technical fouls by giving warnings or even overlooking minor infractions which are obviously unintentional and have no direct effect upon the game unless there is repetition of the same infraction after the warning.
  • If after a warning player or coach is still unreasonable in their behaviour especially to the officials then the punishment of a technical foul with 2 points and possession awarded to the opposition can be given.

To book a place for your school please complete the booking form below. 

For further information please contact [email protected] 


There are no bookable dates for this event at this time

You will be prompted about the participant(s) who will be attending the course so please have this information ready.

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