In partnership with Derby City North and Derby City South PCNs (Primary Care Network), our Health and Wellbeing programme aims to help patients with long term health conditions to lead more active lifestyles.
The programme aims to support patients within the PCN to take part in tailored physical activity to support them to live with a long term condition. Sessions are exclusively for patients of registered surgeries.
These include:
Derby North PCN - GP referral and self-referral
Osmaston Surgery, Wilson Street, Macklin Street, Horizon Healthcare and Derwent Medical Centre.
Register Here
Derby South PCN - GP referral and self-referral
Haven Medical Centre, Hollybrook Medical Centre, Parkfield Surgery, Alvaston Medical Centre, Wellbrook Medical Centre, Willington Surgery, Melbourne Surgery, Chellaston Surgery, Village Surgery
The project aims to tackle health inequalities faced by patients and deliver bespoke exercise plans which ensure they can get fitter and lose weight safely.
Long term conditions which the project supports include: anxiety, asthma, back pain, cardiac rehabilitation, COPD, depression, diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertension, joint replacement, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, stable angina, weight management and stress.
Sample exercise plans for each named condition are available to download below.
Patients with a BMI of 30 and over (or 27.5 and over if you are of South Asian origin) are able to join the project for six months, free of charge, and will receive targeted advice, plans and access to sessions from our qualified staff.
If you have received a text from your GP about this service please complete the registration form below and we will make contact with you.
Exercise Plans
AnxietyAsthmaBack Pain Cardiac RehabilitationCOPDDepressionDiabetesHypercholesterolaemia
Hypertension Joint ReplacementOsteoarthritisOsteoporosisRheumatoid Arthritis Stable Angina Stress