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Tackling Loneliness

Network Network


In response to the isolation faced by any older people at the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, a successful bid from the EFL Trust to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport saw the launch of the Tackling Loneliness Together project.

Derby County Community Trust are thrilled to be one of 32 football league clubs awarded with funding to make a difference to older people in our community.

The project has allowed us to extend our projects into supporting those who may live alone or be isolated through a lack of technology know-how or equipment.

We have developed several projects including virtual cook-along sessions focused on older males who may be bereaved, IT loan schemes and tutorials, monthly care package deliveries, virtual catch ups and gardening sessions.

The project is open for anyone over 55 to join whatever your interests may be.

For more information please fill in the form below or contact Luke Wilkinson, Health Team Leader, on 01332 416140 or [email protected]

Tackling Loneliness Tackling Loneliness


Our IT loan scheme is a key part of the Tackling Loneliness project, aiming to keep older participants connected to our sessions as well as their own families.

Take a watch of one of our participants, Ray, receiving one of our first tablets!

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For more information please fill in this form or contact Luke Wilkinson, Health Team Leader, on 01332 416140 or [email protected]


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