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Jack's Story

Jack at a DCCT Pride Park Pride session
Confident... Confident...

Meet Jack...

With new goals and ambitions, Jack has already gained so much from the opening sessions of one of Derby County’s newest projects. Pride Park Pride (PPP) is a programme aiming to provide inclusive football sessions for anyone; regardless of age, ability, gender or sexuality.

Jack has always been sporty. Even as a child, they wanted to play football. However, it was at a young age Jack realised sport can be quite gendered and felt they were never allowed to join in. ‘’As I got older, I then realised I was part of the LGBTQ+ community, but maybe didn’t quite fit in women’s teams. I just couldn’t find a space that was right for me. When I did, I had to be good at football to be able to join in. I had little experience in football prior to Pride Park Pride, but it wasn’t through lack of trying''.

After making the move to Derby, Jack was keen to find a group to get involved with. ‘’Nothing really stood out as the right option for me. Somewhere I can play sports and feel included. Then PPP popped up on my radar… I felt scared at first. I remember the programme mentioning playing on astro turf and I wasn’t even sure what footwear I would need for that. I thought I would give it ago and everyone turned out to be supportive of each other.’’

The first day taking part in a Pride Park Pride session stands out for Jack, admitting there were some nerves in the build-up to it. ‘’I do remember the first day and heading to the pitch and thinking ‘this isn’t for me, no one looks like me’ and my heart was beating fast, constantly questioning why I even turned up. But then we got together, did the introductions. I knew then it was a good place to be. It’s not too challenging but challenging enough that I learn new skills’'.

It’s thanks to the programme's inclusivity that has really helped Jack. ‘’It's just nice at the moment, where people can see who I am and it not be an issue. I am not being misunderstood or assumptions being made about me. It clears a lot of head space for me.’’

Jack has noticed a difference in themselves too; ‘’I am faster and can get a ball to where I want it to go… well most of the time. But that’s huge for me, I wasn’t ever able to do that before. It’s helped me build connections outside the group too and I have now joined the gym. PPP has expanded into other areas of my life. I want to learn and keep growing on this programme. I can only do that by working on my fitness and confidence outside the programme. I am just enjoying it and it’s helping me more than I ever thought it would. I didn’t come here with the intentions of changing how I do things, but it’s definitely happening''.

Each session often includes a brief warm-up and mini drills before rounding off with a small-sided match. While sessions tend to be structured with a focus on passing, dribbling, defending and shooting, each one is tailored to the participants on the day. This is something Jack feels is an important element to Pride Park Pride. ‘’I have picked up new skills and the coaches do well to ensure everyone gets something out of it. It’s mixed ability so they adapt sessions to include all, regardless of players’ previous skills’’.

Jack went on to say; ‘’I am quite an anxious and struggle with social anxiety, but I feel very comfortable coming here every week because people are just nice. There’s no huge pressure… we are just playing games together and that’s a great way to connect with new people. I have never heard so much applause from people playing football. Everyone is applauding each other and saying well done’’.

For Jack, this programme is the definition of inclusivity, a powerful word that connects communities together. ‘’It’s about stripping back as many barriers that not everyone sees. I know I can come here and not be mis-gendered and not worry about the things that I might worry about elsewhere. I have freedom here like no other place.

Pride Park Pride has motivated Jack to work on themselves more, with a target to become stronger on the ball and work harder in each session. ‘’ I want to improve on fitness and my ability in football. Pride Park Pride has given me a reason to do so. Friendships is also important here; people are very welcoming and inviting. Pride Park Pride provides fitness and friendships, which I never would have thought I’d get when I first moved up here to Derby. Jack finished by saying 'the staff who have made this programme happen really have gone above and beyond for the Trust''.

Pride Park Pride sessions run weekly at the new 4G facilities at the Racecourse, Wednesday 6-7pm. Anyone aged 18+ can sign up for the upcoming sessions. All of which are free of charge and are ran by the Trust’s qualified coaching team. Click below to find out more and to book your place. 

Pride Park Pride

''It’s about stripping back as many barriers that not everyone sees. I know I can come here and not be mis-gendered and not worry about the things that I might worry about elsewhere. I have freedom here like no other place''.

Jack, Pride Park Pride participant

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